Wikipedia:1,000 erthygel

The global Wikipedia community has identified 1,000 articles that all languages should have.
Having all these articles on the Cornish Wikipedia would be an advantage as not only would it improve the site's usefulness, but the Cornish Wikipedia's ranking on this table would go up.
Due to this list being static and the fact that the 1,000 global article list changed without Cornish Wikipedia realising, we have been working for some time on an outdated list. Luckily, there is a lot of overlap still (and those extra articles translated are, of course, still valuable additions to our Wikipedia).
A decision has been made to keep the articles on the old list that were translated here AND add the new additions, in order to be up-to-date but still respect previous effort. As such, the Cornish Wikipedia "Vital 1,000" list is actually 1,126 articles long.
Below is the list of articles, with links to their version on the Simple English Wikipedia. If one of the articles already exists on the Cornish Wikipedia, it is linked to beside it.
The Cornish Wikipedia has 884 (February 2023) of our vital 1,126 articles and 779 (February 2023) of the global vital 1,000 articles. The list will be updated as new articles are created.
(Note that there are now larger lists of "vital articles" with 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 50000 articles in each list, accessible at en:Wikipedia:Vital articles) March 2018
[pennfenten]This section is for people. Have at least one paragraph on the key historical figures.
Actors, dancers and models
[pennfenten]- Bernhardt, Sarah - Sarah Bernhardt
- Chaplin, Charlie - Charlie Chaplin
- Dietrich, Marlene - Marlene Dietrich
- Monroe, Marilyn - Marilyn Monroe
Artists and architects
[pennfenten]- Corbusier, Le - Le Corbusier
- Dalí, Salvador - Salvador Dalí
- Donatello - Donatello
- Dürer, Albrecht - Albrecht Dürer
- Gogh, Vincent van - Vincent van Gogh
- Goya, Francisco - Francisco de Goya
- Kahlo, Frida - Frida Kahlo
- Matisse, Henri - Henri Matisse
- Leonardo da Vinci - Leonardo da Vinci
- Michelangelo - Michelangelo
- Pei, I. M. - I. M. Pei
- Picasso, Pablo - Pablo Picasso
- Raphael - Raphael
- Rembrandt - Rembrandt
- Rubens, Peter Paul - Peter Paul Rubens
- Velázquez, Diego - Diego Velázquez
- Warhol, Andy - Andy Warhol
- Wright, Frank Lloyd - Frank Lloyd Wright
- Hokusai - Hokusai
- Sinan, Mimar - Mimar Sinan
Authors, playwrights and poets
[pennfenten]- Abu Nuwas - Abu Nuwas
- Bashō - Matsuo Bashō
- Borges, Jorge Luis - Jorge Luis Borges
- Byron, George - George Gordon Byron
- Cervantes, Miguel de - Miguel de Cervantes
- Chaucer, Geoffrey - Geoffrey Chaucer
- Chekhov, Anton - Anton Chekhov
- Dante Alighieri - Dante Alighieri
- Dickens, Charles - Charles Dickens
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Fyodor Dostoevsky
- García Márquez, Gabriel - Gabriel García Márquez
- von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Homer - Homer
- Horace - Horace
- Hugo, Victor - Victor Hugo
- Ibsen, Henrik - Henrik Ibsen
- Joyce, James - James Joyce
- Kafka, Franz - Franz Kafka
- Khayyam, Omar - Omar Khayyám
- Li Bai - Li Bai
- Mahfouz, Naguib - Naguib Mahfouz
- Molière - Molière
- Nabokov, Vladimir - Vladimir Nabokov
- Ovid - Ovid
- Proust, Marcel - Marcel Proust
- Pushkin, Alexander - Alexander Pushkin
- Rimbaud, Arthur - Arthur Rimbaud
- Saramago, José - José Saramago
- Sappho - Sappho
- Shakespeare, William - William Shakespeare
- Sophocles - Sophocles
- Tolstoy, Leo - Leo Tolstoy
- Twain, Mark - Mark Twain
- Virgil - Virgil
- Andersen, Hans Christian - Hans Christian Andersen
- Austen, Jane - Jane Austen
- Hafez - Hafez
- Kālidāsa - Kalidasa
- Tagore Rabindranath - Rabindranath Tagore
Composers and musicians
[pennfenten]- Bach, Johann Sebastian - Johann Sebastian Bach
- Beatles, The - The Beatles
- Beethoven, Ludwig van - Ludwig van Beethoven
- Berlioz, Hector - Hector Berlioz
- Bruckner, Anton - Anton Bruckner
- Brahms, Johannes - Johannes Brahms
- Chopin, Frédéric - Frédéric Chopin
- Dvořák, Antonín - Antonín Dvořák
- Handel, Georg Frideric - George Frideric Handel
- Hendrix, Jimi - Jimi Hendrix
- Mahler, Gustav - Gustav Mahler
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Puccini, Giacomo - Giacomo Puccini
- Presley, Elvis - Elvis Presley
- Rolling Stones, The - The Rolling Stones
- Schubert, Franz - Franz Schubert
- Smetana, Bedřich - Bedřich Smetana
- Schumann, Robert - Robert Schumann
- Stravinsky, Igor - Igor Stravinsky
- Tchaikovsky, Petr - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
- Verdi, Giuseppe - Giuseppe Verdi
- Vivaldi, Antonio - Antonio Vivaldi
- Wagner, Richard - Richard Wagner
- Armstrong, Louis - Louis Armstrong
- Haydn, Joseph - Joseph Haydn
- Jackson, Michael - Michael Jackson
- Kulthum, Umm - Umm Kulthum
- da Palestrina, Giovanni - Giovanni da Palestrina
[pennfenten]- Amundsen, Roald - Roald Amundsen
- Armstrong, Neil - Neil Armstrong
- Cartier, Jacques - Jacques Cartier
- Columbus, Christopher - Cristoforo Colombo
- Cook, James - James Cook
- Cortés Hernán - Hernán Cortés
- Gagarin, Yuri - Yuri Gagarin
- Gama, Vasco da - Vasco da Gama
- Magellan, Ferdinand - Ferdinand Magellan
- Polo, Marco - Marco Polo
- Zheng He - Zheng He
- von Humboldt, Alexander - Alexander von Humboldt
- Ibn Battuta - Ibn Battuta
Film directors and screenwriters
[pennfenten]- Bergman, Ingmar - Ingmar Bergman
- Disney, Walt - Walt Disney
- Eisenstein, Sergei - Sergei Eisenstein
- Fellini, Federico - Federico Fellini
- Hitchcock, Alfred - Alfred Hitchcock
- Kubrick, Stanley - Stanley Kubrick
- Kurosawa, Akira - Akira Kurosawa
- Lucas, George - George Lucas
- Ray, Satyajit - Satyajit Ray
- Spielberg, Steven - Steven Spielberg
Inventors, scientists and mathematicians
[pennfenten]- Archimedes - Archimedes
- Berners-Lee, Tim - Tim Berners-Lee
- Brahe, Tycho - Tycho Brahe
- Copernicus, Nicolaus - Nicolaus Kopernikus
- Curie, Marie - Marie Curie
- Darwin, Charles - Charles Darwin
- Edison, Thomas - Thomas Edison
- Einstein, Albert - Albert Einstein
- Euclides - Euclid
- Euler, Leonhard - Leonhard Euler
- Faraday, Michael - Michael Faraday
- Fermi, Enrico - Enrico Fermi
- Fibonacci - Fibonacci
- Ford, Henry - Henry Ford
- Fourier, Joseph - Joseph Fourier
- Galileo Galilei - Galileo Galilei
- Gauss, Carl Friedrich - Carl Friedrich Gauss
- Gutenberg, Johannes - Johannes Gutenberg
- Joule, James Prescott - James Prescott Joule
- Kepler, Johannes - Johannes Kepler
- Khwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa al- - Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī
- Leibniz, Gottfried - Gottfried Leibniz
- Linnaeus, Carl - Carl Linnaeus
- Maxwell, James Clerk - James Clerk Maxwell
- Mendeleev, Dmitri - Dmitri Mendeleev
- Newton, Sir Isaac - Isaac Newton
- Pascal, Blaise - Blaise Pascal
- Pasteur, Louis - Louis Pasteur
- Planck, Max - Max Planck
- Pythagoras - Pythagoras
- Rutherford, Ernest - Ernest Rutherford
- Schrödinger, Erwin - Erwin Schrödinger
- Tesla, Nikola - Nikola Tesla
- Turing, Alan - Alan Turing
- Watt, James - James Watt
- Brahmagupta - Brahmagupta
- Galen - Galen
- Hilbert, David - David Hilbert
Social scientists (philosophers, economists, historians and thinkers)
[pennfenten]- Aquinas, Thomas - Thomas Aquinas
- Aristotle - Aristotle
- Augustine of Hippo - Augustine a Hippo
- Avicenna - Avicenna
- Confucius - Confucius
- Beauvoir, Simone de - Simone de Beauvoir
- Bruno, Giordano - Giordano Bruno
- Chomsky, Noam - Noam Chomsky
- Descartes, René - René Descartes
- Durkheim, Émile - Émile Durkheim
- Francis of Assisi, Saint - Francis a Assisi
- Freud, Sigmund - Sigmund Freud
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
- Herodotus - Herodotus
- Hippocrates - Hippocrates
- Kant, Immanuel - Immanuel Kant
- Keynes, John Maynard - John Maynard Keynes
- Locke, John - John Locke
- Luther, Martin - Martin Luther
- Luxemburg, Rosa - Rosa Luxemburg
- Machiavelli, Niccolò - Niccolò Machiavelli
- Marx, Karl - Karl Marx
- Nietzsche, Friedrich - Friedrich Nietzsche
- Paul of Tarsus - Paul a Tarsus
- Plato - Plato
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Sartre, Jean-Paul - Jean-Paul Sartre
- Smith, Adam - Adam Smith
- Socrates - Socrates
- Sun Tzu - Sun Tzu
- Voltaire - Voltaire
- Weber, Max - Max Weber
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Chanakya - Chanakya
- Heidegger, Martin - Martin Heidegger
- Ibn Khaldun - Ibn Khaldun
- Laozi - Laozi
- Sima Qian - Sima Qian
- Zhu Xi - Zhu Xi
Politicians, leaders and aristocrats
[pennfenten]- Akbar the Great - Akbar
- Alexander the Great - Aleksander Veur
- Ashoka - Ashoka
- Atatürk, Kemal - Kemal Atatürk
- Augustus - Augustus
- Ben-Gurion, David - David Ben-Gurion
- von Bismarck, Otto - Otto von Bismarck
- Bolívar, Simón - Simón Bolívar
- Bonaparte, Napoleon - Napoleon Ia a Bow Frynk
- Julius Caesar - Julius Caesar
- Charlemagne - Karl Veur
- Churchill, Winston - Winston Churchill
- Cixi, Empress Dowager - Cixi
- Cleopatra - Cleopatra VII
- Constantine the Great - Kostentin I a Rom
- Cyrus the Great - Cyrus Veur
- De Gaulle, Charles - Charles de Gaulle
- Elizabeth I of England - Elisabeth I a Bow Sows
- Genghis Khan - Genghis Khan
- Haile Selassie - Haile Selassie
- Hirohito - Hirohito
- Hitler, Adolf - Adolf Hitler
- Lenin, Vladimir - Vladimir Lenin
- Louis XIV - Louis XIV a Bow Frynk
- Mandela, Nelson - Nelson Mandela
- Mao Zedong - Mao Zedong
- Mussolini, Benito - Benito Mussolini
- Nehru, Jawaharlal - Jawaharlal Nehru
- Nkrumah, Kwame - Kwame Nkrumah
- Peter I of Russia - Peter Ia a Russi
- Qin Shi Huang - Qin Shi Huang
- Saladin - Saladin
- Stalin, Joseph - Joseph Stalin
- Thatcher, Margaret - Margaret Thatcher
- Victoria of the United Kingdom - Victoria a Ruwvaneth Unys
- Washington, George - George Washington
- Lincoln, Abraham - Abraham Lincoln
- Napoleon - Napoleon Ia a Bow Frynk
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Suleiman the Magnificent - Suleiman Vrasoberys
- Sun Yat-Sen - Sun Yat-Sen
- Tamerlane - Timur
- Umar - Umar
Religious figures
[pennfenten]- Abraham - Abraham
- Buddha - Siddhartha Gautama
- Jesus - Yesu Krist
- Moses - Moyses
- Muhammad - Mahomm
- Nagarjuna - Nagarjuna
- Al Ghazali - Al Ghazali
Revolutionaries and activists
[pennfenten]- Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
- Goldman, Emma - Emma Goldman
- Joan of Arc - Jowanet Ark
- Keller, Helen - Helen Keller
- King, Martin Luther, Jr. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Mother Teresa - Dama Teresa
- Nightingale, Florence - Florence Nightingale
- Guevara, Che - Che Guevara
- Luxembourg, Rosa - Rosa Luxemburg
[pennfenten]This section is for events and periods in human history and prehistory. At least five sentences on:
Prehistory and ancient world
[pennfenten]- Prehistory - Kynsistori
- Stone Age - Oos Men
- Bronze Age - Oos brons
- Iron Age - Oos Horn
- Mesopotamia - Mesopotami
- Sumer - Sumer
- Ancient Egypt - Hen Ejyp
- Ancient Greece - Hen Res
- Roman Empire - Emperoureth Romanek
- Han Dynasty - Ternieth Han
- Gupta Empire - Emperoureth Gupta
Middle Ages and Early Modern
[pennfenten]- Abbasid Caliphate - Kalifat Abbasid
- Age of Enlightenment - Oos an Golowyans
- Aztec - Aztekys
- Byzantine Empire - Emperoureth Besontin
- Crusades - Krowskasow
- Holy Roman Empire - Emperoureth Romanek Sans
- Inca - Emperoureth Inka
- Mali Empire - Emperoureth Mali
- Maya - Hwarheans Maya
- Hundred Years' War - Bresel Kansvledhen
- Middle Ages - Osow Kres
- Mongol Empire - Emperoureth Mongol
- Ming Dynasty - Ternieth Ming
- Ottoman Empire - Emperoureth Ottoman
- Protestant Reformation - An Dasfurvyans
- Renaissance - Dastinythians
- Thirty Years' War - Bresel Deg Bledhen warn Ugens
- Vikings - Ankrydoryon Vor
[pennfenten]- Arab-Israeli Conflict - Kas Arabek-Israelyek
- American Civil War - Bresel Vredereth Amerika
- Apartheid - Apartheid
- British Empire - Emperoureth Breten Veur
- Cold War - Bresel Yeyn
- Cultural Revolution - Domhwelans Gonisogethel
- French Revolution - Domhwelans Frynkek
- Great Depression - Iselweyth Meur
- The Holocaust - Loskaberth
- Industrial Revolution - Hweldro Dhiwysyansek
- Korean War - Bresel Korea
- Meiji Restoration - Restoryta Meiji
- Nazi Germany - Almayn Nazi
- Russian Revolution (1917) - Domhwelans Russi
- Qing Dynasty - Ternieth Qing
- Spanish Civil War - Bresel Vredereth Spayn
- Treaty of Versailles - Kevambos Versailles
- Vietnam War - Bresel Vietnam
- World War I - Kynsa Bresel an Bys
- World War II - Nessa Bresel an Bys
[pennfenten]This section is for geographical concepts and for specific places.
- Geography - Dororieth
- City - Cita
- Capital - Penncita
- Town - Tre
- Continent - Brastir
- Forest - Koswik
- Mountain - Menydh
- Desert - Difeyth
- North Pole - Pennaghel an North
- Ocean - Keynvor
- Rainforest - Koswik law
- River - Avon
- Sea - Mor
- South Pole - Pennaghel an Soth
Continents and major regions
[pennfenten]At least three sentences on each.
- Africa - Afrika
- Antarctica - Antarktika
- Asia - Asi
- Europe - Europa
- Middle East - Est Kres
- North America - Amerika Gledh
- Oceania - Oceania
- South America - Amerika Dheghow
[pennfenten]Eventually, there should be articles on most or all of the 243 countries listed at However, for the smaller Wikipedias, some of the more high-priority countries to have articles on are:
- Afghanistan - Afghanistan
- Algeria - Aljeri
- Argentina - Arghantina
- Australia - Ostrali
- Austria - Estrych
- Bangladesh - Bangladesh
- Brazil - Brasil
- Canada - Kanada
- People's Republic of China - Repoblek Werin China
- Democratic Republic of the Congo - Repoblek Werinel Kongo
- Cuba - Kuba
- Egypt - Ejyp
- Ethiopia - Ethiopi
- France - Pow Frynk
- Germany - Almayn
- Greece - Pow Grek
- India - Eynda
- Indonesia - Indonesi
- Iran - Iran
- Iraq - Irak
- Republic of Ireland - Repoblek Iwerdhon
- Israel - Ysrael
- Italy - Itali
- Japan - Nihon
- Mexico - Meksiko
- Netherlands - Iseldiryow
- Nigeria - Nijeri
- New Zealand - Mordir Nowydh
- Pakistan - Pakistan
- Philippines - Filipinys
- Poland - Poloni
- Russia - Russi
- Portugal - Portyngal
- Saudi Arabia - Arabi Saoudek
- South Africa - Afrika Dhyhow
- South Korea - Korea Dhyhow
- Spain - Spayn
- Sudan - Soudan
- Switzerland - Swistir
- Tanzania - Tanzania
- Thailand - Pow Tay
- Turkey - Turki
- Ukraine - Ukrayn
- United Arab Emirates - Pennternasedh Unys Arabek
- United Kingdom - Ruwvaneth Unys
- United States - Statys Unys
- Vatican City - Cita an Vatikan
- Vietnam - Vietnam
- Venezuela - Veneswela
[pennfenten]- Amsterdam - Amsterdam
- Athens - Athína
- Baghdad - Baldak
- Bangkok - Bangkok
- Beijing - Beijing
- Berlin - Berlin
- Bogotá - Bogotá
- Brussels - Brusselas
- Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires
- Cairo - Cairo
- Cape Town - Cape Town
- Damascus - Damask
- Delhi - Delhi
- Dhaka - Dacka
- Dubai - Dubai
- Hong Kong - Hong Kong
- Istanbul - Istanbul
- Jakarta - Jakarta
- Jerusalem - Jerusalem
- Karachi - Karachi
- Kinshasa - Kinshasa
- Kolkata - Kolkata
- Lagos - Lagos
- Los Angeles - Los Angeles
- London - Loundres
- Madrid - Madrid
- Mecca - Mekka
- Mexico City - Sita Meksiko
- Moscow - Moskva
- Mumbai - Mumbai
- Nairobi - Nairobi
- New York City - Evrek Nowydh
- Paris - Paris
- Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro
- Rome - Rom
- Saint Petersburg - Sen Pederburg
- São Paulo - São Paulo
- Seoul - Seoul
- Shanghai - Shanghai
- Singapore - Singapour
- Sydney - Sydney
- Tehran - Tehran
- Tokyo - Tokyo
- Vienna - Wien
- Washington, D.C. - Washington
Bodies of water
[pennfenten]- Amazon River - Avon Amazon
- Arctic Ocean - Keynvor Arktek
- Atlantic Ocean - Keynvor Iwerydh
- Baltic Sea - Mor Baltek
- Black Sea - Mor Du
- Caribbean Sea - Mor Karib
- Caspian Sea - Mor Kaspi
- Congo River - Kongo (avon)
- Danube - Danaw
- Dead Sea - Mor Marow
- Ganges - Ganga
- Great Barrier Reef - Krib-bar Meur Ostrali
- Great Lakes - Lennow Meur Amerika
- Indian Ocean - Keynvor Eynda
- Indus River - Eyndus
- Lake Baikal - Lydn Baikal
- Lake Tanganyika - Lynn Tanganyika
- Lake Victoria - Lynn Victoria
- Mediterranean Sea - Mor Kres
- Mississippi River - Mississippi (avon)
- Niger River - Niger (avon)
- Nile - Nil
- North Sea - Mor Kledh
- Pacific Ocean - Keynvor Hebask
- Panama Canal - Goeth Panama
- Rhine - Dowr Ryn
- Suez Canal - Dowrgleudh Suez
- Southern Ocean - Keynvor Dyghow
- Volga River - Dowr Volga
- Yangtze River - Dowr Yangtze
- Yellow River - Dowr Melyn
Mountains, valleys and deserts
[pennfenten]- Alps - Alpow
- Andes - Andes
- Himalayas - Himalayas
- Mount Kilimanjaro - Kilimanjaro
- Mount Everest - Menydh Everest
- Rocky Mountains - Menydhyow Karnek
- Sahara - Sahara
[pennfenten]Family and relationships
[pennfenten]Thought, behavior and emotion
[pennfenten]- Behavior - Omdhoon
- Emotion - Amovyans
- Love - Kerensa
- Psychology - Brysonieth
- Thought - Preder
[pennfenten]- Politics - Politegieth
- Anarchism - Direwlieth
- Colonialism - Trevesigoleth
- Communism - Kemynegoreth
- Conservatism - Gwithyaseth
- Democracy - Gwerinieth
- Dictatorship - Turantieth
- Diplomacy - Lyskanasedh
- Fascism - Faskorieth
- Globalization - Ollvyselheans
- Government - Governans
- Ideology - Tybonieth
- Imperialism - Emperouregieth
- Liberalism - Livrelieth
- Marxism - Marksydhieth
- Monarchy - Myghternses
- Nationalism - Kenedlegieth
- Nazism - Nazieth
- Republic - Repoblek
- Socialism - Socyalieth
- State - Stat
- Political party - Parti
- Propaganda - Plontyans
- Terrorism - Broweghereth
Business and economics
[pennfenten]- Economics - Erbysieth
- Capital - Chatel
- Capitalism - Chatelydhieth
- Currency - Mona Kemmyn
- Industry - Diwysyans
- Money - Mona
- Tax - Toll
- Manufacturing - Askorra
- Trade - Kenwerth
[pennfenten]International organizations
[pennfenten]- African Union - Unyans Afrika
- Arab League - Kesunyans Arab
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Kowethas Kenedhlow Asi Soth-Est
- Commonwealth of Independent States - Kemmynwlas a Statys Anserhek
- Commonwealth of Nations - Kemmynwlas a Genedhlow
- European Union - Unyans Europek
- International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement - Movyans Krows Rudh ha Krommen Rudh Keswlasek
- Nobel Prize - Pewas Nobel
- United Nations - Kenedhlow Unys
- World Bank Group - Bagas Arhantti an Bys
- World Trade Organization - Kowethyans Kenwerth an Bys
War and military
[pennfenten]Social issues
[pennfenten]- Abortion - Erthylyans
- Capital punishment - Payn-merwel
- Human rights - Gwiryow Mab-den
- Racism - Hilgasieth
- Slavery - Kethneth
- Poverty - Boghosogneth
[pennfenten]At least three sentences on:
- Culture - Gonisogeth
- Art - Art
- Dance - Dons
- Fashion - Gis
- Theatre - Gwariva
- Festival de Cannes - Gool Fylm Cannes
- Calligraphy - Kalligrafieth
Language and literature
[pennfenten]- Language - Yeth
- Specific languages
- Arabic - Arabek
- Bengali - Bengalek
- Chinese - Chinek
- English - Sowsnek
- Esperanto - Esperantek
- French - Frenkek
- German - Almaynek
- Greek - Grew
- Hebrew - Ebrow
- Hindi - Hindoustanek
- Japanese - Nihonek
- Korean - Koreek
- Latin - Latin
- Persian - Persek
- Russian - Russek
- Sanskrit - Sanskrytek
- Spanish - Spaynek
- Swahili - Swahili
- Tamil - Tamilek
- Turkish - Turkek
- Linguistics - Sciens yeth
- Grammar - Yethador
- Word - Ger
- Alphabet - Lytherennek
- Literacy - Lettryseth
- Writing - Skrifa
- Literature - Lien
Architecture and civil engineering
[pennfenten]- Architecture - Pennserneth
- Arch - Gwarek
- Bridge - Pons
- Canal - Dowrgleudh
- Dam - Arge
- Dome - To kromm
- House - Chy
- Specific structures
- Angkor Wat - Angkor Wat
- Aswan Dam - Arge Aswan
- Burj Khalifa - Burj Khalifa
- Colosseum - Amfiwariva Flavius
- Great Wall of China - Fos Veur China
- Eiffel Tower - Tour Eiffel
- Empire State Building - Empire State Building
- Hagia Sophia - Hagia Sophia
- Parthenon - Parthenon
- Giza pyramid complex - Ynkleudhva Giza
- St. Peter's Basilica - Penneglos Sen Peder
- Statue of Liberty - Delow an Frankedh
- Taj Mahal - Taj Mahal
- Three Gorges Dam - Arge an Tri Hownans
- Pyramid - Pyramid
- Tower - Tour
Film, radio and television
[pennfenten]- Game - Gwari
- Gambling - Hapwari
- Martial arts - Artow omladh
- Olympic Games - Gwariow Olympek
- Sport - Sport
- Toy - Gwariell
World view and religion
[pennfenten]- God - Duw
- Mythology - Mythologieth
- Worldview philosophies
- Soul - Enev
- Religion - Kryjyans
- Specific religions
- Spirituality - Spyrysoleth
- Yoga - Yoga
- Zen - Zen
[pennfenten]- Philosophy - Filosofieth
- Beauty - Tekter
- Dialectic - Daylekteth
- Ethics - Ewnhynsegieth
- Epistemology - Epystemologieth
- Feminism - Benynieth
- Free will - Bodh rydh
- Knowledge - Godhvos
- Logic - Logieth
- Mind - Brys
- Morality - Maseth
- Reality - Gwirvos
- Truth - Gwiryonedh
[pennfenten]At least a five-sentence introduction to the major fields.
- Science - Godhonieth
- Nature - Natur
[pennfenten]- Astronomy - Astronymyl
- Asteroid - Planetik
- Big Bang - Bom Bras
- Black hole - Toll du
- Comet - Steren lostek
- Galaxy - Galaksi
- Light year - Bledhen wolow
- Moon - Loor
- Planet - Planet
- Solar system - System howlek
- Star - Steren
- Universe - Ollvys
- Spaceflight - Neyj efanvos
[pennfenten]- Biology - Bywonieth
- Biological materials
- Botany - Losonieth
- Death - Mernans
- Ecology - Ekologieth
- Domestication - Hwarheans
- Life - Bewnans
- Biological classification - Taksonomieth
Biological processes
[pennfenten]- Metabolism - Metaboledh
- Evolution - Esplegyans
- Reproduction - Dinythians
- Pregnancy - Torrasneth
- Sex - Reydh
[pennfenten]- Anatomy - Korfonieth
- Cell - Kell
- Circulatory system - System kylghresyas
- Endocrine system - Kevreyth endokrin
- Gastrointestinal tract - Kanel dretha
- Integumentary system
- Muscle - Keheren
- Nervous system - Kevreyth nervus
- Reproductive system - Kevreyth dinythyans
- Respiratory system - Kevreyth anella
- Skeleton - Korf eskern
- Skin - Kneus
Health and medicine
[pennfenten]- Medicine - Medhegieth
- Addiction - Omgethneth
- Alzheimer's disease - Kleves Alzheimer
- Cancer - Kanker
- Cholera - Kolera
- Common cold - Anwos
- Dentistry - Medhegieth dens
- Disability - Evredhder
- Disease - Kleves
- Medication - Medhegneth
- Ethanol - Ethanol
- Nicotine - Nikotin
- Health - Yeghes
- Headache - Drog penn
- Heart attack - Shora kolon
- Malaria - Malaria
- Malnutrition - Kammvethyans
- Obesity - Berri
- Pandemic - Pandemek
- Penicillin - Penicillin
- Pneumonia - Fagel skevens
- Poliomyelitis - Poliomyelitis
- Sexually transmitted disease - Kleves treuskorrys yn reydhel
- Stroke - Strokas
- Tuberculosis - Pla gwynn
- Diabetes - Kleves melys
- Virus - Virus
- Pharmaceutical drug - Drogg ferylydhel
- Immune system - Kevreyth immun
- Menstruation - Amseryow
- Vaccine - Bryghlin
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - Kleves lestus anhedhek a'n sklevens
- Epilepsy - Epilepsi
- Gastroenteritis - Fagel kolodhyonen
[pennfenten]- Organism - Organedh
- Animal - Enyval
- Archaea - Archaea
- Bacteria - Bakteria
- Fungus - Fong
- Plant - Plans
- Protist - Protist
[pennfenten]- Chemistry - Kymystry
- Biochemistry - Bewgymygieth
- Inorganic chemistry] - Kymygieth anorganek
- Chemical compound - Kesstoff kymyk
- Chemical element - Elven gymyk
- Organic chemistry - Kymygieth organek
- Alcohol - Las
- Carbohydrate - Karbohydrat
- Hormone - Hormon
- Lipid - Lipid
- Molecule - Molekulen
- Analytical chemistry - Kymygieth dhielvennek
- Physical chemistry - Kymygieth fisegel
Weather, climate and geology
[pennfenten]- Earth water cycle - Troweyth Dhowr an Norvys
- Avalanche - Erghslynk
- Climate - Hin
- Earthquake - Dorgrys
- Geology - Dororieth
- Natural disaster - Terosa gnasek
- Volcano - Loskvenydh
- Weather - Kewer
- Cloud - Komolen
- Flood - Liv
- Rain - Glaw
- Acid rain - Glaw trenk
- Snow - Ergh
- Tornado - Gwyns a-dro
- Tropical cyclone - Trowyns trovannel
- Wind - Gwyns
[pennfenten]- Physics - Fysegieth
- Acceleration - Uskisheans
- Atom - Atom
- Energy - Nerth
- Classical mechanics - Mekanek klassek
- Force - Forsedh
- Light - Golow
- Magnet - Tennven
- Mass - Gronnedh
- Quantum mechanics - Mekanek kwantum
- Radioactivity - Radyoweythres
- Sound - Son
- Speed - Tooth
- General relativity - Perthynekter Ollgemmyn
- Special relativity - Perthynekter arbennik
- Time - Termyn
- Length - Hirder
- Phase (matter) - Agwedh (mater)
- Metal - Alkan
- Nuclear fission - Folsans nuklerek
- Semiconductor - Hanterkendeger
- Temperature - Tempredh
- Thermodynamics - Thermodynamek
- Vacuum - Gwakter
Measurement and units
[pennfenten]- Measurement - Musurans
- Joule - Joule
- Kilogram - Kilogram
- Litre - Liter
- Metre - Meter
- Newton - Newton
- International System of Units - Kevreyth Keswlasek Unsesow
- Volt - Volt
- Watt - Watt
- Second - Eylen
- Kelvin - Kelvin
[pennfenten]- Calendar - Kalender
- Century - Kansvledhen
- Day - Dydh
- Month - Mis
- Time zone - Parth dermyn
- Week - Seythen
- Year - Bledhen
- Clock - Klock
- Second - Eylen
[pennfenten]- Technology - Teknegieth
- Biotechnology - Bewdeknologieth
- Clothing - Dillas
- Engineering - Ynjynorieth
- Agriculture - Ammeth
- Metallurgy - Alkanieth
- Nanotechnology - Nanoteknologieth
[pennfenten]- Communication - Keskomunyans
- Book - Lyver
- Information - Kedhlow
- Journalism - Jornalieth
- Printing - Pryntya
- Telephone - Pellgowser
[pennfenten]- Electronics - Elektronegas
- Components
Computers and Internet
[pennfenten]- Computer - Jynn amontya
- Artificial Intelligence - Skians kreftus
- Information technology
- Internet - Kesrosweyth
- Operating system - System Oberyans
- Programming language - Yeth towlenna
- Computer software - Medhelweyth
Energy and fuels
[pennfenten]- Energy (society) - Nerth
- Electricity - Tredan
- Fossil fuel - Keunysen menhesen
- Engine - Jynn
- Internal combustion engine - Jynn loskvan a-bervedh
- Steam engine - Jynn ethen
- Fire - Tan
Raw materials
[pennfenten]- Transport - Treusporth
- Aircraft - Jynn-ebronn
- Automobile - Karr-tan
- Bicycle - Diwros
- Submarine - Lester-sedhi
- Boat - Skath
- Ship - Gorhel
- Train - Tren
[pennfenten]- Weapon - Arv
- Explosive material - Devnydh tardha
- Firearm
- Nuclear weapon - Arv nuklerek
- Sword - Kledha
- Tank - Tank
[pennfenten]- Food - Boos
- Bread - Bara
- Cereal - Greunvos
- Cheese - Keus
- Chocolate - Choklet
- Honey - Mel
- Fruit - Frothen
- Meat - Kig
- Sugar - Sugra
- Table salt - Holan mos
- Vegetable - Losowen-gegin
[pennfenten]- Mathematics - Awgrym
- Algebra - Aljebra
- Arithmetic - Niveronieth
- Axiom - Ragtybyans
- Calculus - Kalkulus
- Geometry - Mynsonieth
- Group theory - Tybieth bagas
- Mathematical proof - Prov awgrymek
- Number - Niver
- Infinity - Didhiwedhter
- Set theory - Tybieth sett
- Statistics - Statystek
- Trigonometry - Trygonometry
- Probability - Gwirhevelepter
- Function (mathematics) - Gweythres (awgrym)
Gwelewgh keffrys
[pennfenten]- Rhestr ieithoedd Ctl + F yna chwilio am kw
- Rhestr erthyglau weithiau yn newid (gw. Sgwrs)