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Gwrewgh an folen "Lord British" war an wiki ma! Gweler ynwedh an sewyans hwilas kevys.
- The Sittaford Mystery 1932 Peril at End House 1933 The Hound of Death 1933 Lord Edgware Dies 1934 Murder on the Orient Express 1934 Parker Pyne investigates...6 KB (853 ger) - 20:37, 17 Du 2023
- parkow heb aras po lehe gwiwder po hwans an dus rag ober ammeth" herwydh Lord Cromer. Yn 1920, an Ughel-Negesydh a-barth Palestin, Herbert Samuel, a gomendyas...17 KB (2,558 ger) - 14:55, 6 Me 2023
- Gwavas f.2r. 1709. CORNOACK - PADER AN ARLETH English - The Prayer of the Lord - alias Lord's Prayer Taz Ny drero en Neue, benigas beth gus Hanow gus Thernas...8 KB (230 ger) - 12:42, 4 Du 2022