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Jane Goodall

Dhyworth Wikipedya, an godhoniador rydh
Jane Goodall
Genys 3 Ebrel 1934 Edit this on Wikidata
Hampstead, Loundres Edit this on Wikidata
Adhysk Doctor in Engineering Edit this on Wikidata
Alma mater
  • Newnham College Edit this on Wikidata
Galwesigeth bewonydh Edit this on Wikidata
Tas Mortimer Herbert Morris-Goodall Edit this on Wikidata
Mamm Margaret Myfanwe Joseph Edit this on Wikidata
Pries Hugo van Lawick, Derek Bryceson Edit this on Wikidata
Fleghes Hugo Eric Louis van Lawick Edit this on Wikidata
Pewasow William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement, Catalonia International Prize, Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, Benjamin Franklin Medal, Nierenberg Prize, Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences, J. Paul Getty Award for Conservation Leadership, President's Medal, honorary doctor of the University of Madrid Complutense, honorary doctorate of Hasselt University, honorary doctor of the University of Miami, Gold Medal of the Society of Woman Geographers, Huxley Memorial Medal, Gregor Mendel Medal, Officer of the order Orange-Nassau, International Cosmos Prize, Edinburgh Medal, gradh der enor, Medalen Rydhses an Lewydh Edit this on Wikidata
Gwiasva https://janegoodall.org/, https://janegoodall.es/es/ Edit this on Wikidata
Eseleth Kowethas Filosofiethek Amerika Edit this on Wikidata

Dama Jane Morris Goodall (genys 3 mis Ebrel 1934) yw primatologist hag anthropologist sowsnek.