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Ralph Northam

Dhyworth Wikipedya, an godhoniador rydh
Ralph Northam
Genys 13 Gwynngala 1959 Edit this on Wikidata
Soodh Governor of Virginia Edit this on Wikidata
Gwiasva https://ralphnortham.com Edit this on Wikidata

Ralph Shearer Northam (genys 13 mis Gwynngala 1959) yw politeger Statys Unys. Ev yw governour Virjynni a-dhia 2018. Esel Parti an Dhemokratyon yw.

Northam a waynyas an etholans governour yn 2018, ow fetha an ombrofyer Repoblikanek Ed Gillespie, gans 53.9% a'n votys.[1] Kyns y etholans avel governour, Northam o is-governour Virjynni (a-dhia 2014 bys yn 2018), hag esel Senedh Virjynni (a-dhia 2008 bys yn 2014).


[golegi | pennfenten]
  1. Matthew Bloch, Nate Cohn, Josh Katz, Jasmine Lee & Kevin Quealy (20 mis Kevardhu 2017), Virginia Election Results: Northam Defeats Gillespie in Governor Race, The New York Times (yn Sowsnek), kyrghys 5 mis Du 2021
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