Balweyth yn Kernow

Balweyth yn Kernow a dhallathas y'n Oos Brons a-varr yn ogas ha 2150 K.O.K ha gorfenna gans degeans bal sten Crofty Soth yn 1998. Sten ha kober o an metols kemmynna, mes y hyllir trobya 90% a vetols ha monow an bys yn Kernow. Yn 2016 nyns esa unn bal moon metol owth oberi y'n pow, mes yth esa kows a-dro dhe eyl-ygerans a Crofty Soth y'n termyn a dheu.
Meur a gerrek ha meyn re beu mengleudhyes yn Kernow ynwedh, ow komprehendya growan.
[golegi | pennfenten]
Kernow, yn kesoberyans a Dhewnens, a askorras brassa rann a sten, kober hag arsenik dhe'n Ruvaneth Unys. Yn hwreydhek, an sten veu stremyes dhyworth goverow, mes wortiwedh hwelyow yn-dann dhor veu ygerys mar a-varr avel an 16ves kansvledhen.

Penn arenebedhow balweyth yn Kernow
[golegi | pennfenten]- Pennwydh
- Kammbron, Resrudh hag Yllogan
- Pluwwenep
- Gwendron
- Breanek ha Porth Tewyn
- Kernow North
- Sen Ostell
- Goon Brenn, Lyskerrys, Kelliwik ha'n Nans Tamar
Ertachva an Bys
[golegi | pennfenten]Yn 1999 an Dirwedh Balweyth Kernow ha Dewnens West veu addyes dhe rol governans an RU rag dannvon dhe'n rol Ertach an Bys. Yn mis Gwynngala 2006, ev veu deklaryes dhe vos sewen.
Rol a nebes balyow Kernewek
[golegi | pennfenten]Rag moy a valyow yn Kernow, gweller an folen: Tirwedh Balweyth Kernow ha Dewnens West ha'n rann 'Gweller Ynwedh'
Bal | Ygerys | Deges | Oberys gans | Askorras | Askorrans |
Crofty Soth | 1590ow | 1998 | South Crofty Limited (1906–1967)
Siamese Tin Syndicate Ltd (1967–1982) Rio Tinto(1982–1988) Carnon Holdings Limited (1988–1994) Crew Natural Resources of Canada (1994–2001) Base Result (2001 -) |
Sten | --tpa |
Bal Myghtern Edward | Camborne School of Mines(1890–) | Sten | |||
Balyow DingDong | c. 17ves kansvledhen | 1879 | Sten | ||
Bal Poldudh (Hwel Gwreydh) | 1720 | 1780 | Sten | ||
Bal Dorkoth | 1720 | 1920 | Sten
Kober |
Bal Sten Gever | 1780 | 1991 | Geevor Tin Mines Ltd | Sten | |
Greatwork | c. 1500ow | 1930 | Godolphin Family | Sten | |
Bal Sten Mena Wellington | 1976 | 1991 | Kensa Heat Pumps (2001–) | Sten | |
Hwel Jenna | 1750 | 1992 | Falmouth Consolidated Mines (1906–1915)
Consolidated Gold Fields (1960–1969) Rio Tinto Group(1969–1980) management consortium (1970–) |
Arghans Sink |
Hwel Bysi Meur | 1720 | 1909 | Kober
Arsenik Sten |
100,000 tons | |
Bal Bostalek | 1721 | 1914 | Stephen Harvey James (1835–1870)
Botallack Mines, Limited (1906–) |
Arsenik Sten |
Bal Kap Kernow | 1839 | 1875 | St Just Consolidated Tin and Copper Mining Company | Kober
Sten |
Balyow Kesunyes | 1782 | 1857 | Kober | ||
Hwel Rosen Est | ? | 1886 | Plomm | ||
Gonow North Meur | 1700ow | 1846 | Kober
Arsenik Sten |
Hwel Briggan | ? | ? | Kober | ||
Hwel Mebyon | ? | ? | Kober
Sten |
Hwel Gorland | 1792 | 1909 | St Day United
Edgar Allen and Company(1906-1909) |
Arsenik Sten Tungsten |
Hwel Pever | 1701 | 1889 | Sten ha Kober | ||
Hwel Plenty | ? | ? | Kober | ||
Hwel Prosper | 1860 | 1866 | Sten ha Kober | ||
Hwel Rosen | ? | ? | Sten ha Kober | ||
Hwel Trewavas | 1834 | 1846 | Sten ha Kober | ||
Hwel Vor | c. 1500ow | 1910 | Sten ha Kober |
Gwelewgh ynwedh
[golegi | pennfenten]- Balweyth
- Bal Sten Gever
- Bal Crofty Soth
- Bal Levant
- Bal Dorkoth
- Ranndir Balweyth Bre Garn
- Odyt Meur an Gonteth
Kevrennow a-ves
[golegi | pennfenten]Tirwedh Balweyth Kernow ha Dewnens West (yn Kernowek)
Rolyans UNESCO (yn Sowsnek)